We could have had the SUN
http://i37.tinypic.com/ipyrdw.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 470px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #F8BEAA;">
      Playing this that Savina and Anu had been out hunting and come back to find Naniko in labor (obviously). Alli, let me know if you want anything changed! Big Grin
wc 401

That they left here from the time before

Muscles worked hard as the jet wolf helped her companion drag back the body of the young deer to the mansion. Anu and herself had decided to try and stock up some more food before Naniko's litter came. Savina hadn't expected to take down anything large, since it was just the two of them, and neither were particularly large and strong. However, luck had been on their side, and in the western part of their territory they had come across a sickly young deer. Even though it had been smaller than an adult deer, it still took careful maneuvering on their parts to take it down. The two females had though, and were dragging back their prize to get ready for storage in the basement.

It had taken them a good amount of time to get the carcass all the way back, and as the Italian girl released her grip, pink tongue lolled out to pant. Jade orbs looked over to Anu's multi-hued form, she also was panting. "Good job. I'm really glad we were able to get something as big as this. Not as large as a full grown deer, but we wouldn't have been able to take down an adult anyway." The older wolfess nodded her head in response and they both climbed the stairs to head inside and get the tools they would need to get it into small enough pieces to be brought inside.

As her slender body entered the house, the hairs along her spine began to stand on end. There was an older female she didn't know keeping some sort of watch out in the living room...and noises coming from Naniko's room. Quick as a shot her head turned to Anu, their eyes locking. Neither of them had to say a word, they both knew what was happening. Savina bolted forward, not even paying the gold-hued lady any mind, and dashed into Nani's room. Her ivory friend was in the closet laying down, emitting a whine from her throat every so often. There was another wolf she didn't recognize in here helping Nani. A white woman. The stranger appeared to know what she was doing, and the two year old didn't want to smother them. She took a seat away from them, where she could still see. Every muscle in her body was tensed, and she waited with baited breath to see what would happen.

Table by Tammi!


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