We could have had the SUN


james... check ur PM, 4 pack thangs!!

The doe hung between the two, her thin arms straining at the effort to drag it all the way to the mansion. The sandy colored fey didn’t break her smile as she and her new friend brought their prize to the leader and her mate. She hated to be away, when the pups were so close to coming and till that day she had yet to leave Naniko’s side, in fear that she would miss the moment.

As they climbed the mansions steps Anu had little on her mind, other then presenting Nani with the grand feast that she and Savina had provided. The proud feeling coursed through her, her shoulders held back and her chest raised a few inches. There was nothing she enjoyed more then being able to give back to her new pack.

The two had joked and laughed on their travel back, but as they entered the house there was a different air that fell around them. In an instant her heart when from a casual thump to a mile a second pound. Following the black haired girl Anu raced through the mansion’s room, finding Naniko with no guide. Blue eys blazed, frantic to see her love’s face.

She passed two others, her so vision narrow that she couldn’t make out the faces of her past packmates. In a second she appeared at the closet doorway, eyes on the white shewolf. Anu tried to be calm, knowing her anxiety would only bring fear to Naniko.

Peering past the door, she fought the emotions of panic and excitement. Her voice trembled a bit as she quietly spoke.



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