Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
Sure, whatever works best.

Ehno's smile widened into something much broader as Savina took a glance at him, her ears folding back and something shining in her emerald eyes. Oho, so we was right. There was something going on between the two of them. It warmed him to see his sister so happy in the presence of this other wolf. He would definitely have to talk to the both of them later. Of course there would be a fair bit of teasing for the both of them. It was what brothers did, after all.

But that would all have to come later. Before anything else could be done, another unfamiliar face joined them, speaking quickly and soon giving directions to the assembled group. Well, he sure seemed to know what he was doing. Another leader, perhaps? Ehno had no problem with it thus far, as this male seemed kind and intellegent enough. His eyes darted toward Jazper as he let loose a few bitter words. Ehno was going to say something in response, maybe introduce himself and get this stranger's name in the process, but soon his sister leapt up and eagerly began heading to the western territories. Proper introductions would have to wait, it seemed.

"Haha, someone seems to be quite eager to get going." He looked toward the white wolf apparently known as Kansas. "We better get going, or she'll leave us behind." Ehno then stood and after giving a nod to the group they were parting from, he took off after his sister. "Ehi veloce un, non dimentica di ci il slowpokes qui," he joked in his native tongue.

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