under cover
Ow. :|

With every single kick directed at her, Alexey aimed to take a chunk out of her adversary's legs. Doing so earned her a few kicks in the face, accompagnied by a stronger kick in her right flank, which eventually led her to recoil after a little while. A low growl escaped her throat as the other woman got back on her feet. She crouched low and braced herself for the upcoming attack, while assessing the coyote's wounded legs.

Alexey ignored her opponent's hurtful words. It was all a game to them, and she wasn't going to fall for it. She would not return the insults and degrade herself to that whore's level. Inferni had a lot of things to learn, it seemed. How to fight respectfully was one of them. The Dahlian femme simply shook her head and smiled, finding it a little silly that the coyote was wasting her breath on such petty insults.

Her opponent charged, and Lexey stood her ground by remaining where she was. Instead of moving right away, she waited until the very last minute before throwing all of her weight into the woman's legs. The coyote's fists came crashing down on her lower back, barely missing the spine and delivering a critical blow to her ribs.

Pain coursed through her body, causing Alexey to bite her tongue to keep from screaming. Her own blood trickled from the sides of her mouth, but she wasn't giving up just yet. Using the remaining strength she had left, the two-year-old pivoted her body and went for the back of the coyote's knee. She wanted to rip out her adversary's cartillage and collateral ligament, knowing that doing so would keep her from using her legs furthermore. Lexey could only hope that her aim was accurate as she closed her jaws shut. This was her last chance.

Another attack was issued a few seconds later. Before Alexey could even figure out what the hell was going on, her shoulder was nailed by an arrow. And this time, she did scream before hitting the ground.


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