flight of the (phoenix)
She stopped, turned to him. he wanted her to stay? How...odd. For the most part, he'd spent all his time avoiding her, except that brief interlude where they were friends. But it seemed, for Dierdre, a truce had been called. A hand lifted to the scar on her cheek, a scar only she, Soran, and Dierdre knew of, now that Conri was gone. A scar from a time the mother had fought to hold onto her child, before her exile from Syemv.

But her exile had been long ago, when Akumu was still alpha. The mother looked at Phoenix, wolf to wolf instead of alpha to pond scum. I tried holding onto her once. I only made that mistake once....she fits her name too well sometimes. Did i ever tll you her name means one who rages, as well as broken hearted? The firtst time....I walked away because I'd been exiled from my own pack. And what right did I have to uproot her and drag her with me, when Phasma and Akumu had promised to take care of her? She had the pack...I had no one.

She'd had Soran. But she'd left Soran behind too. I guess I've made a habit of running away. Why stay and get hurt? She never even told me about Pilot. She shrugged. I'm a lousy mother. That's why you ended up raising both my children. Not even m mate, and both kids call you daddy.

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