Take these broken wings and learn to FLY

He nodded to Naniko, offering a glance in Jazper’s direction. "Alright then, let’s get this done," he said. The sooner they finished marking out their territory, the quicker they could claim this area as Crimson Dreams’. When that was finished, they would only have to assign everyone ranks and get situated. Pilot couldn’t wait for that. He wanted to be able to call somewhere home again. His den situated in the disserted lands of Shadowed Sun couldn’t really be considered home anymore.

He decided to shift, realizing it would be quicker to travel as well as to mark out their area. It only took him a few minutes, and it gave the other two time to catch up and began marking out the area. Once he was on all four legs, Pilot headed towards the brush and went to business. "Hopefully we’ll be able to finish this quickly with two groups," he said to both Naniko and Jazper.


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