Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
Sighing he was glad Naniko had not catched his remark and Pilot did not mention it. As the older male started to shift Japer followed suit. His large humanized form would not be apropriate if his two leaders were in their smallest form. He placed his napsack on the ground and removed his two knives, belt, and shorts, placing them within his bag. He then continued to pull out some yellow rope , tie an end to his bag, then toss toe rop up over a branch, pull his backpack up into the air and then secure the other end to a lower branch. "There, nice and safe." He smiled. As he started to shift, he only allowed his body to fall to all fours and shrink in size shortly until he was a abnormally large wolf.

He did not know Pilot's experience in fighting but, he was not going to wander around in a weak wolf form with his alpha pregnant. He shuffled from paw to paw feeling naked. He was comfortable in this skin but without his knives on his waist, he did not have his best fighting weapon. He hadn't faught in this form in awhile, not that it mattered thatnks to his genetics. He nodded as he started to follow Pilot, stickly close by naniko. "The sooner we get boarders up, the faster we can keep the area safe." He yipped with a suportive smile to his white leader. He kept at aleart as he started off sniffing the air for danger as he followed Pilot.

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