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Boomer would always be a creature of emotion and whim--he went wherever the tide took him. It was much more enjoyable to go with the flow rather than be pressured with deadlines or obligations. If he was feeling spontaneous he'd pick up and go somewhere new and exciting, but if he was content where he was he saw no reason to push onward "just because." So what if there might be something better elsewhere if he was already happy where he was? Eventually the novelty of a place would wear off and he'd move on. At the very least, that's what'd happened to him so far throughout life--he'd gotten held up in places like China, India, and Spain. Travelling through the deserts of the Middle East had been an enjoyable journey, and he'd savoured the breathtakingly clear desert nights... but mere sand wasn't enough to hold his interest, so he'd never stayed in one place for more than a day.
I don't suppose I can know what's the best place to fish until I've fished everywhere, he said lightly, although there was some seriousness in it. He'd already seen a lot more of the world than some people had and he'd always be grateful for that. Still, he hadn't gone full circuit once yet and he was already past his fourth birthday. He wondered if he ought to try to see everything while he still could, then pick the best place to settle down before he got too old to travel. Then again, he'd picked up a good amount of skilled training over the years--maybe he could attract a younger apprentice when he got that old and they could travel around together while he exchanged his knowledge for food and transportation.
As for her concerns, he simply laughed. I can always get another fishing pole... I'm sure I'd let it go before it drug me out too far. Simple problem, simple solution, right? Just then, he felt a tug on his line. He reeled in the fish quickly; this one came in without a hitch. It was slightly smaller than the first fish and clearly of a different species. He didn't really recognise either--all he knew was that they weren't toxic like some of the fish found around his native Australia (or in tropical water in general). After promptly killing it, he moved back to shore. He put the pole down and whipped out a knife and deftly cut both fish in half lengthwise. Now they could have equal portions and get to try both kinds of fish. He held up the two slices to the female, who he now had a chance to get a better look at. Now we can eat up! he said with a grin.

table by jesile/amanda! <3


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