Uncovering Truth

Sorry for the wait~!!!!!


Cwmfen watched the hybrid from the corner of her eye. Her main focus was on the pale, silver light filtering through from the storm. In this strange darkness, she was comfortable. The world seemed that day to be painted with the colours of her soul, and a contented peace fell over her. She lay her head on her paws, sighing deeply as she attempted to brush away all discomfort that had prior been upon her; they fell away, but there were always a few grains that would ever remain. For now, that would have to do. For now, that was more than enough.

As the hybrid moved his ears, the movement caught her eye—or perhaps it was the glint of his golden ornaments. The white orbs flickered in his direction momentarily, her serenity disturbed. But her mood did not become perturbed. While at first she had been wary of this male, the suspicion had quickly dissipated. Of course, she did not fully trust him, but trust was a thing harder earned. Had she come across even her own pack members, the same initial distrust would be present, though to a lesser degree, since pack members were to protect one another. However, she was keenly aware that betrayal was possible in the hearts of all creatures, even her own.

DaVinci’s words surprised her, perhaps because they were not of a belligerent nature. Perhaps she had expected him to be so, to live up to the reputations of the other, less benign personalities of this pack called Inferni. The coyote seemed to be discontent with his place in this struggle, though she did not believe it was because of the conflict itself. Perhaps—almost certainly—there was something that she was missing from this story. Her lack of understanding created a marginal stir of frustration, and she tried to brush it off. Soon she would be part of something too...

“I wish I could say the same about wars...” Her voice was quiet, suave melody. A touch of resentment seemed to lace her alto tones. “Wars—or battles, lets say—have been my life... At first, I had thought that it was the fighting I had wanted to escape. But I found that I loved it instead...” She trailed off in thought, the crow-wolf coming to mind and sending a cold, sinister hand down her spine. As she was finishing her words, the steel hybrid rose and strode towards the door. He was now within her line of vision, and she considered him thoughtfully as he continued.

Firefly. The woad-marked female wondered at the circumstances that surrounded this strange male. But it was not this that caught her attention so much as the last thing he had said. I don't belong to this war, I never did.. I don't think I ever will.. Who wants someone who has one paw in one world and the other in another.. His mixed lineage was what was bothering him. That was something she could understand. She was of mixed cultures—Caledonian and Corean. The Caledonians did not much care for the mix, and the few Coreans that she had met abhorred her. How dare a Caledonian carry their traits? And she had hated them for it...

“To be in two worlds musn’t be a curse...” ...but a blessing. The last was left unsaid. Her strange lilt was laced with a softness that reached out with a feather’s touch. She did not rise to be level with him as he observed the weeping lands without. Instead, she remained as she was, watching him with bright curious eyes. The black female’s woad-marked tail hit the floor softly once as if in approval before she let the silence fall between them once more.


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