, , , she's going nowhere f a s t

Bah. ;o

Barthélémy was still trying to get used to these lands, and the more he tried, the more he seemed to fail. Everything was so different here, from the complete and utter lack of snow and ice to the strange structures that towered above him, stretching up and pointing to the sky. Sometimes, they were red, blue, yellow, and a number of strange colours. Well, they were-- much of the paint had flaked and chipped off in time. Mostly, the buildings had just frightened him, so he had run away.

It had not been the most productive of ideas, for now he was hopelessly lost. And hungry, which only served to add to his woes. But he had found prey-- a lone mule deer that was attempting to limp its way back to safety, wherever that might be. Barthélémy made sure to follow the creature silently, keeping a safe distance away from it. He didn't want to frighten it, for he was hunting alone, and even if the deer was old and slightly injured, he would only have one chance to make his kill.

He had long since shifted into his Secui form, having always found it easier to hunt when he was larger and faster. Although this gave him an advantage, it still did not make hunting along any easier. He had never caught anything this large on his own, and thus, was really just hoping his luck would hold and that he would be able to do this. Somehow.

He moved closer, moving around the right side of the deer so that he would eventually be able to sneak up on it from it's back, at an angle. He heard a sound off in the distance and froze; was there another deer out there? A herd, even? He glanced over to the source of the sound, and was surprised to see another wolf staring right at the deer. The wolf then shifted its gaze over to where Barthélémy was, and he perked his ears, trying to establish eye contact with the other. He jerked his head toward the deer, then looked pointedly at the wolf. Do you want to help? came his silent question, though, he didn't know if the wolf could understand him. He lifted up his foreleg, and tried to gesture to the deer with it, then pointed at himself and the wolf wolf, then back at the deer. Perhaps his luck really did hold out-- he might have found himself a hunting partner.


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