I was goin’ nowhere fast

indent Melisande was thinking, just sitting and thinking. She'd considered going out to hunt, and had gone off to do so, but she just kept ending up sitting down and thinking. There was just so much to think about. What happened to Laruku? She wanted nothing more than to make him smile, and he couldn't do it. He'd had kids, and obviously a lover of some sort, and yet, he was more depressed than anyone she'd ever seen. And what about her father? He was so distant, unstable. His mate seemed more likely to stick around than he did, and luckily they could hope that he wouldn't leave without Konane. Melisande shook her head at herself. She was lonely, and needed to stop worrying so much about everyone else, just people she couldn't fix.

indent She happened to be near the borders, so she wandered over to them, to see if any newcomers were there. It was doubtful, but still possible. Maybe she'd meet someone innocent of the harsh world, of all the things that had happened here. Or, at least, someone who could cheer her up, offer her something else to think about. She didn't find a newcomer, but she did find an alpha. She recognized him as being the alpha male of Storm, and wondered briefly when Gibraltar had left. She had known he was there, at one point, and then she had known he was gone, but when or why was a mystery. This male, she had never met, and couldn't even recall his name. Nonetheless, although he was about twice the size of the little female, he looked nice enough. She walked within hearing range, and gave a polite bow as a greeting. "Hello there. You are the alpha of Storm, aren't you? I'm Melisande Sadira." She introduced herself, trying to look friendly.


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