in laughter, in strife
:| Oops, I screwed up the account linking again. xD; Pretend this is Dohi's account.[html]<style type="text/css">.dohisept b {color:rgb(215,198,175);}</style> rgb(56,57,51) bottom no-repeat; color:rgb(106, 107, 101); font:8.5pt Verdana; line-height:1.2em; padding:1.5em; padding-bottom:16.0em; text-align:justify;">

Dohi laughed when Barthélémy mimicked the sentence, and the hearty laughter got even more heavy when the French Luperci started alternating between the two words. Nez! That one, too, was much easier for him. It was a little upsetting that they couldn't have a good, strong conversation, but somehow, this was more fun. The AniWayan male was silent for a moment, thinking of the next thing he could bring up. It took a moment to choose out of everything, but he eventually pointed to his eye, opting it as the best.

Eye, he instructed. He wouldn't have minded learning Barthélémy's language, but he had never met anyone else who spoke it; it would be, he figured, almost as useful as his Cherokee. Nobody but his tribe could understand their native tongue, and that restricted his communication to them in that respect. The tribe, though, functioned differently than other Luperci communities seemed to.

Packs were unusual in structure here. Mouth, he said next, tracing his own lips with a gentle brush of his finger.


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