problematic scarring induced by hate

No specific injuries. She's got a bunch of scars and a big arrow wound on her left shoulder, thanks to Ahemait and Ahren. Corona could always go for the shoulder/arrow wound and force Lexey to back off for a bit. Then she'll have to limp around for a few weeks... again. xD

So far everything was going according to plan. They were both on the ground, and Alexey was the one on top. Good. However, she hadn't expected her opponent to regain her bearings so quickly. The Circee absentmindedly commended the golden girl for remaining calm and fighting back instead of panicking. Memories resurfaced as honey hued eyes caught sight of the fist coming her way, remembering how Ahemait had done the same. She responded by twisting her body so her spine was out of reach, knowing from experience that another good punch to her vertebrae would make her crumble to the ground.

Much to her dismay, the coyote's fist collided with the upper part of her leg just below the arrow wound. She hadn't made direct contact with the injury, but it still hurt like hell. Instinctively, Lexey retaliated with an attack of her own. She put all of her weight on her adversary, attempting to pin her down long enough to land a hit. "Raping Firefly wasn't enough, was it? Three of you had to jump my sister too?" The words were said through clenched teeth, her voice filled with untamed anger.

She then drew her paw back and took a good swipe at the other woman, aiming for that pretty face of hers.


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