right by me
At his words she did smile, it wasn't a heartfelt loving smile, just one filled with bitter memories of the past. Memories she'd tried to forget, but when the past still walked and talked it was a little hard to forget. Shaking her head she looked down at the dead grass at her paws and sighed softly. "Because my son lived here, and he wanted nothing to do with me..." It wasn't the full story, but then again she wasn't sure of she was ready to open up all her mistakes again. "I was respecting his space.. and atoning for my mistakes..." It was sick, her twisted piece of history upon returning to Clouded Tears, and yet when she'd been given the chance to return she wasn't able to. A family, a new mate.. a life in Storm was all she had now.

She nodded at his words, but what exactly was there to offer back. He hadn't heard from their siblings in so long and she'd only seen bits and pieces of them, or their offspring... "Adros brought his daughter here some time ago.. I don't know where she might be now though.. and I live in Storm now with my mate and our children.." She had to stop, there was no point in going on. Here were her faults and mistakes, her losses getting thrown in her face, examined and out on the slab over and over again. Lost, stolen or dead.. those she'd loved and she couldn't even cling onto what remained.

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