just now
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_____He supposed he could make the appearance reference between Ember and Iskata, even though they were drastically different colours. There was something rooted in the personality of the two that he thought he could find too, perhaps in the demeanour. So as he nodded and turned back towards the thick of fog and forest, he couldn't help but comment further on things as they walked along. “I've heard a few times that a lot of people here are related to one another. I used to think it was pretty sporadic but I can see more and more that they weren't kidding.” It was somewhat true for most places he had been, but on the other hand, the people who inhabited the area they were wandering around in were pretty isolated.

_____He had to remember, as he ducked underneath a low hanging branch, that before he and Nikita had made it all the way out there to that little limb of land that it had been quiet as far as folks went. “So I guess you're also apart of the folks I've met who came from the other side of the mountain?” he asked after a small pause, casting a curious glance back towards the honey-toned woman. Supposedly there had been quite a few who had come from there; a few of them already made up the collective group that was Esper Hollow.


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