shine on, you crazy diamond.

zonoes :O I'll just have her ask about Ryan then, and not use the word "daughter", as long as that's alright.

A smile graced her face as the male turned and revealed that it was Anslem. Her tail wagged gently in response with his own and he rose and began to walk towards her. She was glad to have the company in this creepy place, especially so of a strong male. It wasn't that she needed anyone to protect her, but it certainly didn't hurt her feeling of security. The form that his body took was not one that she saw many take too often. It was bulkier than the two other, but it was clear it had its advantages. It would certainly be good in a fight.

"I've been doing well. Busy though. Twilight Vale disbanded and we've combined with a couple members of Shadowed Sun to form a new pack. I did a lot of work helping it all get put together, and I'm actually helping lead it. I can still hardly believe it." It was true, it was somewhat still hard for the Italian girl to think that she was helping lead a pack. "What about you?" Even though they'd only had the one encounter, it almost felt like reuniting with an old friend. He'd done a lot for her with their one talk, and for that she counted the red-eyed canine as one of her good friends.


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