There'd be no distance that could hold us back
You have permisson to attack me for how long this took... =[ Sorry again, mate.
WC:836 I had to stop this post before it grew into something massively massive, lol. >.>

The male shook his head at his sister’s repeated apology, letting her know that it wasn’t necessary. He could easily see that she was hurt by having to share this news with him as well, but they both knew it had to be done. But now it was time to catch up on all the other adventures they experienced. Ehno sat quietly, listening intently and curiously as Savina began.

He felt a low growl form deep in his throat at the mention of Serge. How dare he try that. He had abandoned them before they would even open their eyes, and suddenly he thought he could play the part of the caring father? “I can’t believe him,” he muttered.

Perhaps he should have been surprised to hear that Savina actually lashed out at the man, but he was too filled with an almost forgotten rage to thoroughly assess what she told him. During his journey, Ehno’s thoughts would often wander to his mother and his sisters, but never once would he allow himself to dwell on his father. Hearing about him now only seemed to fan the flames of his dying rage into the great fire it had once been. As far as he was concerned, Savina did the right thing by attacking Serge. With the anger clouding his mind right now, he thought he would have done the same.

Ehno forced himself to calm his thoughts as Savina continued her story. There was no point in staying angry; Serge was long gone, and hopefully they would never have to see his disgraceful face again.

Amber eyes widened as he was told of her tale at sea. She was lucky to have survived. He remained silent for the moment, though, allowing her to finish her tale uninterrupted. There had been other Italian wolves here? He wondered where they possibly could have disappeared to, a little saddened that he wouldn’t have the chance to meet them as well. When she finished story, Ehno looked her over quickly. She didn’t seem to be hurt now. How long ago had this all happened? He nudged her softly. “I’m glad you’re okay after all of that. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you too.”

But he wanted to avoid falling into more somber thoughts for the moment, and he was glad that Savina asked him about his journey. Not only would it provide a good distraction, but he had so many stories to tell from his journey that he knew she would love hearing about. He took a moment to breeze back through his memories of the past year, and a thought struck him, causing him to chuckle a little. “Neither of us seems to have any luck with ships.” He looked into her eyes, smiling slightly before he elaborated. “Probably less than a month ago, I had found myself in Spain. I had just arrived in a port town, and decided that I would like to take a look around the docks. There were a bunch of sailors there readying one of the ships. Curious, like you had been, I went over there to investigate.

“One of the sailors there spoke a bit of English, so I asked him if they needed a hand with anything. Before I knew it I was hauling supplies on board and was soon off to sea with a bunch of wolves I could barely understand.”
He laughed a little, remembering how difficult it was trying to communicate with the rest of the crew. Despite their similarities, Spanish and Italian were still rather different, so Ehno had to depend on the sailor who was semi-fluent in English to understand them. “Everything was fine at first, clear skies and just the sea on the horizon. Then a storm hit. The seas were rough, so we frantically searched for any sign of land we could take shelter on. We were all so excited when we saw the coast down there,” he motioned toward the general area where she had found him. “We stayed in a cave down there for two days, and when we saw the storm break, one of the sailors pulled out some rum to celebrate…”

He laughed a bit nervously at that. He wasn’t one who usually indulged in drinking since it left him feeling too disorientated for his tastes. But after being cooped up in a wet cave for two days, Ehno had been feeling a bit adventurous. “It’s probably why I got left behind. Someone thought we should leave right away, and I don’t remember much after that. Just woke up and I was by myself.” He couldn’t help but laugh a little at his own foolishness. “I guess it worked out for the better, since it led me straight to you.” His smile grew and he nudged his sister again.

He thought about which adventure he should share next. There was so much to tell her about, and it all wanted to be revealed at once.

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