one day, you'll have to let it go

Lalala, I'm slowwww. D;

It hadn't really occurred to him, all the things he'd be losing along with his sight. The words, the stories, the escape he'd once found between the dusty shelves and yellowed pages. It hadn't occurred to him that he would no longer be able to draw music from the dots and lines, to focus on the ivory and black keys. It hadn't occurred to him that he'd no longer be reminded of silly things just because something looked familiar. Nothing could look familiar anymore; there were no colors, and there were no shapes. Even the white he saw wasn't really white at all. He turned to the other as he approached, expression as empty as ever it had been, but not so quite as cold and distilled as it could have been.

Perhaps he did remember, but all of those brief and chance encounters took their time surfacing in his mind. In the long run, few things were important, and so everything else melted away and were devoured by time and the disease in his head, in his heart, or whatever was left. I have a bad memory, he said truthfully, It might come to me. He shrugged and turned again back in the original direction he'd been facing. It might not. But what do you remember of me?

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