within my bones this resonates

Faolin had stayed close to Gabriel's side, and she watched and waited for his signal. A moment later he bounded off after the deer and Faolin veered to the other side a bit and came in at the opposite angle, driving them towards the ambush that was waiting on the other side. She kept her ears open, listening keenly for the fall of paws on the snow that were of Empusa. There was no way she was allowing the girl to get hurt because of the deer that were on a rampage running through the Inferni territory in fear. Instinct drove them, and Faolin snapped at the hindquarters of one doe, Samael and Hybrid easily picking up on her and started to tear her apart as she still tried to regain her footing from where Samael had hit her and knocked her off her feet. Faolin quickly dove onto the female attacking her on the other side to help Samael and Hybrid to make sure she stayed down. Faolin looked back at Gabriel quickly, there seemed to be a few that were particularly weak. "Should we attempt another? You and I?" she breathed heavily, the air visible around her muzzle.


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