we'll do it all, everything on our own

She continued to sob silently, even as her mate was there, taking her into his arms. She buried her face in his fur, clutching him tightly. The things slidig from her womb weren't even formed yet, just masses of tissue and clots of blood, but they were lucifer's. She could feel the flow slowing and pressed her face into his chest, sobbing brokenly. They were gone, the lives inside of her, and she felt achingly empty.
They're gone, lucifer...our pups are all gone...I'm sorry.... She spoke brokenly, haltingly, but the seizure like sobbing had stopped. She didn't move her head to look at him, or at Shadow's bloated, magled body. the image of her son's corpse would be forever burned into her mind. Her tears flowed unchecked as she clung to him tightly, sniffling and whimpering, apologizing and praying alternately.
After a longer while, she lifted her face, to look at him, her fingers still wrapped tightly in his fur. I'm sorry, lucifer....


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