runaway train
The confirmation was enough for Rutherford and he nodded to himself, glancing around briefly through hazel eyes to find his companion fluttering anxiously above him. "I'm Rutherford, pleased to meet you Laurel. This is Rutger, he's much like a shadow to me- I can't seem to shake him off," he teased affectionately, ignoring the sparrow as it sought a translation.

Shifting his weight to the opposite foot, Rutherford searched his mind for where precisely he had first heard of the pack, if they could be considered that. The memory seemed to linger just beyond his grasp and so instead he settled for a more general response. "Well, I'm a historian myself, and for almost all of my life I've traveled near and far talking to anyone whose attention I could grab, filling notebooks with information, stories that would otherwise die with their tellers. Sometimes my conversations move from the past to the present and on one of these occasions I was told of here," he paused to catch his breath before continuing. "Despite the lifestyle I've led as a loner and traveller being enjoyable, the thought of settling down with a group such as yours is extremely tempting. Have you any room?" he asked cautiously, though hopeful nonetheless.


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