i will lie awake
Sorry for the gross wait on this, ugh. Life has been kicking me in the balls that I don't have. ._.
Scouring the city was a habit ingrained in her from years ago. Whether it was for fun or necessity never really mattered, Corona always found something useful. Today she was rummaging through the shelves of a pharmacy, recalling names for pills and what they did as though it were second nature to her. In some cases it was, her interest in life had started in death. From a washed-up body on the shores of Inferni to when her aunt had burnt to death in every literal sense, somewhere along the way she had picked up the interest. In France, that had been doubled because over there, things were better. Things were preserved, the Luperci who maintained things there had an appreciation and lust for what man had done before them. Doctors, sailors, butchers, and farmers, all sorts of careers had sprung up.

Though whether or not that ever spread across the ocean was questionable. It was like the 1700s all over again; the Americas were full of savages and the rest of the world was making interesting leaps and bounds. She stopped her perusing for a moment to scratch absently at the bandage on her arm, bothered greatly by the healing wounds there. She had been tending to it well, but not even Corona could escape the fact that when something healed, it itched. She was simply glad that it was only her arm that had gotten the worse of the damage—the cut on her face had healed entirely—and before too long, she was back to turning over bottles and reading the names along their sides.

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