the devil's city
DaVinci had let her go when she pulled away from his gentle hold, but almost at once the small hand of the girl was nestled within the palm of his own as that mischievious grin held him captive as he wondered just what she was up to. Letting her lead him away he smiled softly, watching the flickering rays of sunlight dance across her hair as they filtered through the forest canopy. Tagging along not because he had to but because he wanted to his smile turned to a smirk as she answered his statement so simple and yet so sure. He could be unsure of the world but as long as she knew what she was involved in then he would walk like a trusting lamb wherever it was she would lead on to.

The gentle tug on his arm as she explained that she had something she wanted to show him made him chuckle as he gave up mockingly dragging his paws and actually quickened the pace. "As you wish, m'lady.." he teased as the soft touch of her hand in his made him wonder if maybe things could work in favor to brighten his views on the damp and dark world he gazed out upon. The closer they drew further away from the direction of the few packlands he knew it suddenly dawned on him that they were getting closer and closer to Inferni. His stormy orbs scanned the forest as he asked softly, "Ryan.. where are we going.." an uneasy chuckled followed, the boy still amused by how eagerly she was leading on, yet a sinking feeling made him think he already knew where this blind path would lead.

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