a death in the family

There he was. Rachias watched quietly from beyond the line of trees that broke the shore away from the forest, the very same trees that she had hid behind the day that her brother had died, the day that they had killed them and the day that she had hesitated to save him. Guilt might have been the reason that she kept returning, knowing in her heart that she might have been able to save him, that she had hesitated to do so and he had died because of it. Of course, when Rachias was on her way there, she never expected anyone else to stop at the grave. Who else besides she and Corona, and perhaps those that had taken his life, knew that he was there? They would only ever wish to defile his grave, she was certain.

It was then that the thought hit her. The cloaked figured had been the one to save her from Samael that day, a gesture of bravery and the knowledge of right and wrong. Had he come across Andre doing something horrible? Did he somehow know that Andre was resting just beneath the ground? Hero or not, Rachias wouldn't allow him to touch her brother's grave. Rapist, murderer, the devil himself, Andre could have been, but he was gone now and Rachias would not let the punishment continue. Headstrong, the young woman removed herself from behind the shelter of trees, stepping out and down the beach quickly. She brought a hand up, rubbing carefully at her eyes, a sign of stress and aggravation, and she spoke to him.

"Please leave th-" And her words were gone suddenly, the very moment that she set her eyes back on the figure, who was suddenly unmasked. Her whole body stopped suddenly, frozen there in the sand, trembles creeping up her spine as if she had just seen a ghost. She tried to tell herself that, even. A ghost, that's all. A hallucination, she had been around the sick for so long that she could be starting to get it and not even know. They all talked to people who weren't really there, that meant that they had seen them, didn't it? That day in the house though, he had been far to real to be a ghost or a hallucination, just like he looked far to real sitting there. She'd told them all that he wasn't dead, that she would find him one day, and none of them had believed her.


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