this guns for hire
DaVinci turned away from the scene he'd been watching as it was obvious that the male wasn't going to leave. Settling back on his paws he turned and gazed at the male, his moody eyes looking over the rag-tag figure before him as a devilish grin spread across his maw. He had no problem with taunting the poor fellow at the moment. "She really does have a thing for the sick and needy doesn't she.." he asked. The remark killed two birds in one stone, his dear old mother and the gimp before him.

His fangs barely showing as the scowl of the male seemed to have permadently stuck to his face. DaVinci raised one brow at the question as he shrugged a shoulder and laughed. "Well, I could be looking for my sister.. but since it was you I met instead I guess it could be fate.." He twitched his shoulders as the thicker mane that flowed down his back fell back into place as he went on. "Believe in fate, Romeo?" he asked. The name more than ill suited for the beated and scarred male before him.

Yawning to reveal his fangs the hybrid boy ignored the last remark for the most part. "Relax Valley boy, I'm DaVinci.." he really wasn't in any mood to be much of an asshole beyond petty insults and weak jabs at the poor skrawny sight before him. He knew his mother still had some fight in her if he pissed her off enough, and he didn't exactly want her angry with him, atleast not at this moment.

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