When you're crying, I try to make you laugh.
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      Cercelee watched the female, intrigued and charmed by her timid nature and soft spoken words. Nice to meet you... The words slipped out, but it was not they but the look on Cwmfen’s that told Cercelee a little longer of an explanation was needed. Although Cercelee had thought this moment would be awkward, her nervousness fleed in the presence of this female, whom seemed on edge herself. Instead, Cercelee was only slightly amused by the situation and her eyes shone merrily at the other, as if just the two of them were in on a joke. "I’m the Rosea, leader of this pack." Cercelee wondered if when others heard that bit of information, did they think her worthy of the title? The playful, placid creature she was? Well that was her lot in life, and members of her pack seemed to accept it well enough, she hoped Cwmfen accepted it as well.

      Cercelee nodded as the female explained her appearance, readily forgetting the issue of ranks and roles. Cercelee had supposed that her coat and eyes came from her mother, she had always though so until she had met her relatives Colibri, Laruku, Iskata and her plethora of cousins. Then she had heard otherwise, a new name responsible for her snowy coat and icy eyes, though she didn’t quite believe them, how could she confirm that she was a copy of someone she had never met? "They tell me a ghost gave me my coloring, but so many others share them. The ghost was very vain, I suppose." From what she heard about Ceres Sadira, Cercelee imagined the female to be vain, she didn’t quite care if it were true or not. The words of others rob her of her inheritance from her mother, attributing it to a dead relative. Cwmfen could not deny her mother had created the blue marks for her, and Cercelee envied her for that, even if it had been manual manipulation of colors rather than inherited.

      Questions came from the female’s mouth and Cercelee looked about the area, as if seeing it for the first time, but rather wondering why Cwmfen nic Graine had come to that conclusion. Turning back, she nodded. Cwmfen had guessed right, and Cercelee took note that the female had good intuition– it was a good skill to have. "Yes, I like to hold the pack meetings here, although we haven’t had many. And I suppose if we were to have festivities this would be a good choice for those as well, if we had anything to celebrate. It does not have an official name though." It would be many months before they could celebrate their founding day, Cer was waiting for a reason to celebrate before then, to lift the pack’s spirits and bring them closer together, but the reason hadn’t presented it’s self just yet. Tilting her head at Cwmfen, Cer smiled slyly, it gave her delight to put strangers on the spot, though she wasn’t sure why. "What would you name this place?"

Table by Tammi!


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