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It had been quite a long time since Corona had set foot in what was Bonefire. The last time she fully remembered being there was when she had first gone to Chimera, and the snow had just begun to melt. Even at that, she had met some of the most disturbed individuals there. But as it were, there were many places to meet those kinds if she so chose. With snow to blanket certain pathways within the riddled structure, there were some that offered relief from the icy wind that threatened to clamp down on her gangly frame.

There had been time for plenty of thinking and for the most part that was the very thing that she had done. The inner debate was forever sparked, unable to find a mean to settle on and rest. The smell of smoke and fire was easy to distinguish from the other smells that had long settled into the texture of the stone, and it drew her in for more than one reason. The way that the shadows danced against the wall the closer that she moved down the weathered cooridors eventually revealed what she had thought. “Seems like a nice place for a fire,” she spoke with a faint smile coming to her face temporarily.

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