the time of your life (you just can't tell)
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He didn't know. He didn't even want to think about his pack or packmates at that point in time; the moment that his memory began to strike was beyond importance, beyond what was going on in his life right then. It meant leaving to go wherever "home" was, if he could remember that far. Perhaps it was optimism and hopefulness getting the best of him, Jefferson didn't know. The thought of shaking off the feeling was far gone, especially since Laruku seemed to know of a connection. Something in his voice said that he'd woken the blind brute up from his indifference, but Jefferson had no time for that. If Laruku knew more about his past than he did, then perhaps their meeting was more than a simple coincidence. The hybrid couldn't tell for sure, just yet.

"I met Cercelee," he mumbled, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to relax. He cleared his throat. "I couldn't remember why, but she looked familiar, but there was something sad about her... or, who she looks like." His eyes dipped again. "I don't know who it is she looks like, but I feel like they were a leader, or an alpha. I think they ... died. I don't remember who or why, but I think it must have been hard for me at the time." A pause.

"Iskata?" His gaze lifted back to the blind hybrid. "I don't know. I thought she seemed kind of 'familiar', but... not much. Not like Cercelee." Another long pause, this time as Jefferson's eye focused more on Laruku's face. His brows furrowed somewhat, now taking the time to clear the clouds that had gathered. There was something noticeable about him, too, like the uncanny way that his presence had Jefferson's defenses down completely. The way that Jefferson had spoken so openly. It wasn't that Laruku was blind or scarred as badly as he. Something else... was there. Nothing had possessed him as such before; he was always cold and rock-hard when it came to strangers. "Or... you." The words had crept from his throat unintentionally--the hybrid quickly straightened and cleared his throat again. "Forget it. I'm babbling; I'm just hungry, is all. Makes me see things." He hadn't seen anything, he'd remembered things. There was a difference ... Jefferson was beginning to realize it.

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