sense of synergy
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Andrezej had never been the kid to follow others around looking for attention that was likely not to be given to him. He had been born into a world where he was unwanted, the product of two miserable souls coming together in what had not been meant to be, surrounded by siblings that, by nature, despised him and his litter mates. That hatred had spread quickly, and Andre had absorbed it like a sponge, propelling it out to the others that he did not have a desire to be around; soon he shut out his littermates, his family, and everybody. Nobody would ever be close to the boy, and the only other creature he respected at all was Hybrid. His mother was the worst; she had walked out on them, and while he did not feel bitter because he missed her, he felt bitter that she left him with the idiots that were the Lykois.

Now he watched the one who had taken over in her stead, Gabriel, walking towards him. The one time he'd encountered his brother before, he had demanded to know how to change into the two legged form. Unfortunately, young Andre was not quite as tame as he had been that time, and far more hostile. Upon the german shephed patterned hybrid's speaking, the young boy bristled, hackles shooting up as his lips curled back over his bloodstained teeth.

Fuck off, he said slowly, as if to make the meaning as clear as possible.


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