begging my god to make the wheels go 'round

Her throat clenched and her stomach churned at the sound of his voice, and a sudden flash of forgetfulness beset her. But only for a moment. She regained herself after a moment, however, and without much time between to really formulate her reply she merely presented the truth in the most blunt and precise way she could, “I think I’ve got to leave.” She swallowed bitterly, her gaze falling to the ground in front of her feet. Only a few weeks prior had he asked her if she wanted to leave, and she had vehemently said no. Now she felt like the biggest asshat in the world, going right back on what she had said she wouldn’t. “I left some things undone in the past, and I think I need to go and try to deal with them now.” She was stronger now – her time with him had made her such. And yet she had no idea how she would deal with Patriot… but those things would come with time. And now was the most dangerous part of this discussion that she had foreseen – his reaction. Indifference would perhaps cut her the deepest, she imagined. She liked to believe that Laurel relied on her in some small way from the past year or so of traveling together, though one could never know with him. So she merely bit her lip with unshielded anxiety and waited for a reply from the darkened tent.


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