I was goin’ nowhere fast
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Often Iskata told their children stories of her youth here in Clouded Tears, and he would occasionally listen in. As much as he hated the place himself, the way she described it almost made him change his mind. Fog made him nervous, and he couldn’t see living in a place shrouded in it. But the pups were eager to visit, and perhaps someday one or two of them would choose to live here, if they ever wanted to start lives for themselves outside Storm. Now that they were getting old enough, and had family here to keep them out of trouble, Phoenix would soon have to consider allowing them to come visit on their own. At least their cousin here seemed friendly enough.

Phoenix returned the friendly tail-wag. Even though he was an alpha, that meant little here on another pack’s lands—and next to nothing when dealing with family. He had no valid reason to be here but now he was glad that he had come. At least he knew that there was at least one other Sadira that welcomed him into that family. “Guess that means I’m your uncle now, right? Weird,” he observed. He wasn’t used to having such a large family, even though he’d wanted one his whole life. “I was jus’ walkin’ by, really. Stopped t’see who was still here in Clouded Tears an’ who wasn’t. Iskata talks ‘bout this place all th’time with our pups.”

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