I was goin’ nowhere fast

indent Iskata's mate. She thought about what she knew of Iskata, and decided that it wasn't quite as much as she might have liked. But then, it was a bit more than what she knew of most of her family members. It seemed like everyone was going off and having pups, even her Dad. Even Laruku. It wasn't so shocking that Iskata would take a mate and, Melisande assumed, do the same. She was sweet and young, and this male seemed to be a freindly leader. Of course, his alphaship would have meant nothing if he'd harmed her, but as it was, he seemed genuine and nice, if not a little odd, in some way that she couldn't quite distinguish.

indent "I suppose it does." Melisande laughed. Her family was huge, what was one more? She remembered now, as he spoke, how she had felt when she remembered Clouded Tears before her return. It made her sad just to think about those times, when all she desired was to peer out over the fog on the lake, the ice in the winter, splashing around in the summer... "Its a great place to grow up... I'm surprised she left. You must be truly something for her to leave her home for you." She hoped he realized that the comment was meant in good humor. "But then, it is not so far away. You can bring the pups here anytime."


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