[leader] flickering lights .j.
mall-caps;">Table by Hilli

Hehe, okay. <3

All the good memories she had of Asphyxia flowed deeply through her mind. Asphyxia had taught her almost everything she needed to know about life. It was a balance of both good and bad, but it was better to not be disappointed and naive her entire life. Life took strange twists and this was definitely in the top five of her entire two years. Faolin stayed there, embracing her mother, a moment later the woman before her pulled away and Faolin almost moved with her, wanting to stay in that position forever.

The girl pulled back and looked her mother up and down. When she saw the tears in Asphyxia's eyes Faolin felt a surge of emotions and almost ended up crying herself. The cold air touched her eyes and dried them before they fell and stung them. "I've been good, actually, Gabriel de le Poer - Kaena's son - him and I are mates now," she grinned, her tail beating back and forth behind her, swatting at the air playfully. "Hybrid is still around, you should find him and talk to him soon. He's kind of strange with his behavior, but don't be scared of him," her smile turned into a frown.

At the next question, Faolin's ears perked right up. She looked her mother up and down, unsure of her decision. Of course she wanted her to stay, but would Faolin end up disappointed again? Or, would Asphyxia stick around this time. The girl nodded, "I'd love if you stayed. I'll call Gabriel," she turned around briefly and let the sound explode out of her muzzle, a mix between a coyote-like yip and a wolf-like howl. Her tail wagged back and forth waiting for her mate to come and accept her mother fully into the pack.

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