teeth the size of piano keys

indent "Rahhhhhh!" Icarus yelled as his brother jumped at him, crinkling more of the leaves as Icarus rolled over and sent his brother tumbling to the side. The smell was wonderful and Icarus took a deep breath to savor it. He wanted the memory of fall to stay with him, for it would be a whole year before it would be back again. By then they both would be much older and probably able members of the pack – patrolling the border and hunting with the rest of them. Icarus couldn’t wait for that. He wanted to grow up now. Even though he had been warned to cherish his childhood.

indent "Hey Kansas, d’you think daddy will be alpha forever?" What he was trying to hint at was whether Icarus might have a chance of succeeding to the same rank as his dad. He wasn’t sure if anyone knew of his secret passion, but he loved his father. He wanted to be exactly like him. And the only way to do that, was to do everything that he did. Including becoming the leader. Icarus was too young now to consider that other factors determined ranks. "I might wanna try bein’ it."


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