a death in the family

Rachias immediately frowned at the name of their niece, nodding her head in some sad, quiet knowledge of what had went on. "I knew they would kill him as soon as she told me what happened." She admitted it quietly, still quite unsure of what her head and her heart thought and felt of the matter. As soon as she found out what happened she could have found him. Found him and forced him in to hiding to save him, then again, it was likely he would have never listened to her. The foolish and stubborn brother that he was, he would have attacked her, he would've puffed out his chest and put on a brave face. Still, there was a chance that she could have saved him, she'd just been to angry with him at that time to try. "I was there when he died." It hurt to much to say that she watched it happen, she let it happen, that she might have been the last bit of warmth that he ever felt in his life.

"Have you checked on dad at all?" She asked suddenly, removing a hand from him to brush away the hair that threatened to fall in her eyes. Rachias knew he hadn't, it was unlikely, and Arkham probably knew that she was just trying to change the subject. "He's changed, you know. Not like he was before." And she smiled at that, despite the fear that lived in the pits of her stomach, the ones that told her that it might just have been the sickness talking. "I was taking care of him because he was very sick, I told him all about you." The one last thing that she could ever hope for in the whole world was for her brother and their father to meet, to have some sort of happy relationship, but she was content with what she suddenly had again.


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