Oh please, God, wake me!

Amber eyes focused on the wolf before him, his solitary ear up and alert to catch even the slightest movement. He was on all fours, and holding himself low. He didn't know who this was, but in his sleep deprived state he had failed to detect them as they had come near, and this abrupt awakening followed by this realization had put him on his guard. His hackles rose and his muscles tensed just before a small and vaguely familiar voice fell softly through the night.

"Skolly?" How strange, to be called that. He was Skoll to those that knew him, Skoll Axehand to those that feared him, monster to those that reviled him, but only one person had called him by that name. How strange to be associated with such an uncharacteristically cute nickname. Strange as ever. "Yes, I guess that would be me," he said tiredly, letting his muscles relax and standing up a little straighter before sitting back on his haunches. It had been a long time since he had spoken to the wolf before him, and though he didn't know it, the other had grown a great deal.

"How have you been, Pilot? It's been a while." Indeed it had been. He hadn't seen the youth since his fight with Gibraltar, on that fateful day that the alpha had betrayed him. He didn't know what sort of pressure Inferni had put him under, but he knew that the alpha needed to be able to trust his pack, and no one had been there for as long or put as much on the line for Storm as he had. The short of it had been that Gibraltar had always been confused about alphaship, had always thought that the Storm members existed for him, not that he existed for them. Many had been banished during his reign, a testament to the shortsightedness of introducing an alpha who was completely alien to the pack they ruled.

It would have been alright to decide that someone as violent as himself wasn't safe to have around. He was used to being misunderstood. Nevertheless, there was no trust there, there was no credit extended. He had taken the word of a band of marauders and child murderers as fact before he even consulted the accused, a wolf to which he owed far more loyalty. Incompetence, prejudice, and fear.

The last time he had seen Pilot, he had been young and malnourished, having been raised on a vegetarian diet. Skoll thought he would look healthier now, he knew that he had least learned to eat fish; still, it was impossible to tell for sure in the dark. He wondered how this meeting would turn out, whether Pilot would be happy to see him, or be wary of him because of what he had heard. He didn't know how most of Storm had felt about his exile, save that Phoenix and Iskata had not agreed with it.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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