just another good vibration


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Matrix was considering her options. She had a massive project under way, and she couldn't progress much further without striking gold. A rope was useful, but she needed so much more. Her thoughts were interrupted as a masculine voice wafted through the air and settled within her ears. Turning to look, her oddly coloured eyes fell upon a rather handsome young man. His statement caused an amused smirk to flash across her face, and she offered a dip of her head and a slight wag of her tail. "Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs." She spoke the human expression as though it were entirely natural, although if pressed to say where she had heard it before, she would probably draw a blank. Maybe she had read it in a book once when she was still concerned about reading. That was awhile ago, though--the hybrid now had a much greater interest in doing.
"I still haven't found what I really need, though," she explained. She was starting to doubt that she ever would. Rummaging through the old human city had resulted in the discovery of numerous treasures, but a full-blown glass-burning furnace like the one she had used back home was hard to come by. Maybe if her father were here, he would know what to do. Unfortunately, the roguish coyote was nowhere to be found. He was back with her mother raising their most recent litter. Regardless, such an elaborate thing was necessary if she wished to repair the few broken glass panes of her greenhouse. "I'm Matrix Thirteen," she said, utterly unaware that her mother had once resided in a pack over which the canine before her had reigned.

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