a death in the family

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sharksThat he would never understand his brother (or perhaps that should be plural) frustrated him more than anything else, but he occasionally accepted that not understanding was preferable to understanding. If he could see whatever twisted logic that had led to Andre doing what he had done, then what did that make of him? Who could understand a monster better than another monster? Suddenly, Arkham felt all too detached from the grave he was sitting in front of. It didn't feel like the condemned and deceased had ever been his brother, and it didn't feel as if they had grown up, for the most part, side-by-side. The day Andre had been banished had felt faraway already, but now it felt even more distant. It was a thousand years ago, or perhaps it had never happened at all. They weren't brothers. How could they be?

sharksHe tried to understand what Rachias was telling him about their father, but he found that difficult to grasp as well. He didn't change anymore, she was telling him, and he was in the personality that was perpetually depressed rather than perpetually dangerous. The more preferable of the two, though Arkham had always been bothered by how helpless and weak the man had seemed that day. Is he any happier? Now that he doesn't change anymore? He had wanted to help him but had neither been able to conquer his fear nor figure out how. Perhaps he could overcome the fear now, but the perceived inadequacy remained. Besides, it had never seemed as if the man wanted help or company or anything at all.

sharksI'm fine, he said, perhaps a little too automatically. It wasn't that serious of an injury. The coyote pulled his cloak back slightly to reveal his stomach, which had long since scabbed over. There was a reddish pink line where the gash had been, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't even scar in the end. You aren't with Inferni anymore, he noted finally, Is it just because you're taking care of dad?


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