White + Red = Platypus
haha! And did you notice, our tables' color schemes are sort of the same :o

She'd tried once before to off herself, but she'd been caught. This time it might seem like an attack, like an accident...and maybe they wouldn't worry as much. Or, if Hybrid did eventually tell someone else about it, he would say that she had been asking for it. And he wouldn't be lying. Ember wondered how much it would hurt to die--if it would be very, very painful, or if she might just slip off into unconciousness. Maybe if she got him to injure her enough she could just find somewhere to bleed out. But any way she could think of, pain seemed to always be a part of it. Maybe he could push her off a cliff. That wouldn't be so painful...unless she lived through it.

It was during that thought that she saw him coming toward her from the darkness. Very suddenly, her heart started to beat faster. She fought the urge to back away from him. This was what she had come here for! It was what she had been waiting for. What would be the best way to get him to do what she wanted, though? Insults? Being bold? Acting afraid? She didn't know. "Yes. You should help me find my way."


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