strange blessings
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The snow was now and the grass was covered with it, though some was melted by the sun, removing the proof of traces. however, a light snowstorm was upon the land. It was cold but not too cold. The forest trees were covered with the white ice. The avians of the sky were gone for the winter, which the forest silent. Only the animals that occupy the ground were left to make the noises. The Silence of the Forest was upon us.

In this forest was a white wolf brandishing his spear, Icicle Shard, stood there looking with his eyes closed. He didn't moved a muscle for sometime, until his eyes opened, revealing there red color. Then with swift movemeants, he practiced attacking with his spear, swinging and air impaling it. He grunted and graoned at each swing, taking a breathe to keep himself calm. He also practiced his kicks aswell when he jumped, also when he put the spear into the ground, performing spinning kicks like a tornado.

He stopped for now. He had enough practice. The snow was getting colder by the minute. Luckily he was wearing a long sleeve tee-shirt with a jacket to help keep himself warm. He placed his spear on the holster on his back, securing it so it wouldn't fall off again. After so, he started back for his home. He went through the forest, passing each tree, looking up at the top branches for any ambushes. He passed the forest safely so far, until he heard a clling for Deuce. It was a loud call, but sounded familiar. Iskata sounded like she was in pain. Pendzez was able to find the origin of the call. He found himself by a paddock with a wooden fence. He looked around, but he saw only cattle. Nothing more, until he found saw Iskata on a pile of hay, shivering because of the cold. "Iskata!" he yelled out. He ran to her to check to see if she was alright. Once he was there, he found her lying there shivering, curling with... pups? She must have given birth. Well, she looked like she could have them at anytime. Mabye this was why he called out for Deuce. Pendzez couldn't really see Deuce coming, or anywhere else, so mabye he to saty.

He came up beside the shivering female that was with her pups. He removed his jacket and placed it on Iskata to help her warm up. He was the only one here so far, so he had to make sure if everything was alright and to see if he could help in anyway. "Iskata, are you alright? How are they?" he said as he looked from her to the pups. As he looked at them, they had a beautiful, well-patterned pelt.


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