Silent Birthday Celebration
She watched her new friend curiously. "It's okay really." The boy had two different coloured eyes and was not a wolf, that was for sure. Looking at him now she felt sorry for they guy. "Everyone in my tribe has some sort of markings, Mine are just...more noticable." She smiled shyly at Leland. The stranger was growing on her. Her ears perked up at his question. "How do you know Dawali?!" She snapped sharply. She had not ment to speak so harshly but her father hadn't been around to talk to her since the move. "I'm sorry. Dawali's my father." She stopped with that explination. There was no need to go into a discription of the man is Leland had already met him.

Looking from his drawings to her own she grew shy blushing red. Tribe childrens grew up learning to admire nature in every way possible, she had taken a liking to drawing at an early age. Nodding shyly she added, "Practice." she mummbled. Aborad smile apeared for the first tim at the mention of Hawks. Aidan took this moment to come wandering into the clearing. His large dark chocolate body was hard to miss and Jaya's black, white and gold spotted figure stuck out clearly. She was glade to see her companion in a solid form and not the spirit form he seemed to prefer around the tribe. The Hawk took to the sky to sky and landed on Asha's exstended hand. His calm and collected voice rang in her mind, "The brute and I thought now would be a good time to show up. Your...friend seems to be harmless enough. He looks kinda stupid though don't you think?" A sharp glare eascaped the redwolf as she ran a hand down his long feathers. "I've raised Aidan since I was a child myself." She explained pointing to the wild looking horse who's saddle bore a bow and arrow and a good sized sword. "He's quite impulsive as his name means little fire. Jaya, victory, here I've had since I was about 8 months old. He's got some attitude sometimes but usually is calm unless danger's around."

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