flight of the (phoenix)
“What I can do, I never asked for. It scared me at first, ‘specially when I had troubles controlin’ it, An’ it’s so easy to abuse it… too easy, as you know. She looked away, seeing all too vividly the look in erik's eyes as he held her down and screamed at her. Yeah, i know.... She lowered herself to his level, kneeling so they could be on the same level. She felt relieved that he wasn't making snarky comments about Lucifer anymore. But still, she knew she owed the male an apology.

I'm sorry i said those nasty things last time we spoke. I had no right to. You've done wonders raising Dierdre, even though you aren't her birth father. I just...it makes me jealous that she loves you so much, respects you so much...and she never bothered to tell me she was mated. She shrugged gracefully, returning her bi-colored gaze to him. I would trust you with Shadow any day.

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