face down

He'd already come to realize that the Lykoi family was extensive.

They were also wolf haters, as Hybrid had explained quite easily to him.

Another thing he'd come to accept was that he was pretty much fatherless. He didn't know that the coyote hybrid that had helped him slaughter a rabbit by breaking her back legs so he would have a fair chance was also his father, whom he hated without really knowing. He hated his litter mates for simply being there; he had to share with them. He had to share his home, his life, his everything, with three other children that he believed to be entirely inferior. Rachias was older than he, but it made no difference; they were all the same. Insignificant.

He hated his mother because she'd left. Oh, he did not hate her for leaving because he missed her, for that was far from the truth. Rather, he was more disgruntled that she had left because of the impact it had on his plans to take them all over. Now he had to rearrange the blueprints in his mind, if not scrap them altogether, just to make room for the adjustments that would have to be made in Gabriel's stead. These were the things he thought about on a regular basis, and for that reason, he also hated his half-brother.

He hated Hybrid. He hated Faolin. He respected them both, if only for their own individual traits, if only for their place outside of his family but still within his life. He hated everything and everyone, for that was simply how he was; unable to love, unable to care and actually mean it. These feelings would never be genuine in him. And it was also the reason why, when he saw her just standing there—he didn't even know who the hell she was—he simply snorted as if irritated and fixed her with a dark, venomous glare of his blue eyes, which revealed only blooms yet of the acidic yellow they would become.

I hate you. Said with such clarity, it may have been said to a father who beat him, or a brother who laughed at him, or a hated enemy. Not, however, to a complete stranger.


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