tomorrow, tomorrow
It had taken Iskata a moment to realize that she had seen the other woman before but after it all clicked into place she smiled. The girl had been off with her daughter's new mate hunting when Naniko had went into labor. Iskata still wasn't sure about the relationship between Anu and her daughter but she had no ill-feeling towards the matchup.. she just worried about their future. When the woman seemed to relax after Iskata stated her business she lowered her head slightly and yielded the seniority to the ebony lass, if she'd take it or not Iskata had no clue but she'd see.

Her eyes seemed to warm as the woman spoke of Naniko and the young puppies that Iskata had yet to visit. She wistfully piped in. "Naniko has new siblings as well.. so the puppies have a young aunt and uncle as well." She was proud of her two youngest children and though they were of mixed heritage she knew they would take on the world with eyes wide open and a family that loved them at their backs, just as Naniko's children would. Her daydreams were brought to a sudden end as the woman asked verification on who she was. Iskata nodded as a smile lit her lips. "Yes, I suppose I am. Who might you be?" the coal hued woman had no notion that Iskata already knew her son had taken a mate and had a fellow sibling within the pack. She just had no way of attaching the dark beauty before her with the one her son loved so.

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