looking through a telescope

Adelaida’s eyes widened as the female turned back, fully fearing the reaction that Savina was trying to keep in check. Ears laid flat against her skull and body slumping close to the ground in a pathetic submissive gesture, Adelaida took a few steps backwards as the lashing of words came at her. Although it was the sable Savina that was delivering the lecture now, Adeladia heard it in the words of Alexey. She knew the words were true, but she refused to believe them. Shifters were capable of much more damage, and the coyote shifters especially put that to good use. Letting a small whine escape from her, Adelaida could not think of a logical way to appease the female before her. I... I... I’m..

The words stuck in her throat, as was her curse whenever the anxiety set in (which was far too often for Adelaida’s liking). Though she struggled to force the words out, Adelaida knew nothing she could say would recreate the calm conversation that had been taking place before the masked female’s outburst. Adelaida had a way of ruining even the most innocent of meetings with others, and now, more than ever, Adelaida wished that she had never run into this female, or anyone else. I’m sorry! It was lame and unnecessary, but it was all Adelaida could force through her mouth as she turned tail and fled from the female, and from her own mistakes and misguided prejudices.


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