It's the science of the soul
This is like...the only time I'm going to write this much. XD -fingers r dead- Welcome back, bby!! :]

He was so...quiet. That would be the right word. Naniko knew that Salem could make noise; he had a good set of lungs on him. When he had been born, he'd squeaked louder than all of the others when it had come to feeding time. Even louder than the very pushy Brooklyn. But now that he was growing up and learning how to talk, it seemed like he spoke less and less. She wasn't sure of the reasoning behind it, really. When she had been younger she'd had a speech impediment...or so the adults had said. Apparently she had pronounced her words in a strange, abnormal way. But from what Naniko knew, from what she had heard, he spoke just fine. Clearly, in fact. Naniko turned back to glance at him again. She was glad for this alone time with Salem, some time for them to be together while the three more energetic triplets went off by themselves or with Anu.

She walked in her four-legged form with the black shadow directly tailing her, the boy looking up at the sky or at the falling leaves every few moments. He was more of an observer, perhaps, one to sit and watch, and when he found something interesting he would nudge her and make her stop too, so that she would look at whatever it was and explain it to him. This time when she felt his nose and looked back he actually opened his mouth, though, his quiet jade eyes focused on her and his even voice filling up what had been previously silent air. "Muther...thur is someone thur."

She didn't see anything. The wolf had heard of imaginary friends before (Sirius had claimed to have an imaginary friend) but she didn't think that Salem would make something like that up. So she looked more carefully toward the area that Salem was looking toward.

And just as soon as she saw the figure she realized that there was something strange going on. It had its muzzle in the air, like it was about to...and then the howl came. From their viewpoint in the brush Naniko could see the figure very clearly, but she wasn't sure if she ought to believe it. What would Soran be doing back here? She had seen Khaden around...but she hadn't seen Soran in a while. The mother came and went. Maybe she knew something about her son's dissapearance, though. Was that why she had come? Naniko had many questions...but at the same time she didn't know what she should say to Soran when she did come out to greet her. Conri had...he'd done the most horrible thing to her. How could she tell his mother about the rape? Because she knew that it would lead to that. Soran would want to know where Conri was, and she would have to tell her.

And there was Anu to think about, too. Naniko thought that she knew Soran pretty well...but she couldn't guess how the female might react to the news of her new mate. And the fact that her new mate wasn't male. Her heart thudded uncomfortably in her chest and she sat still as the howl ended. Salem looked confused, staring up at Naniko then toward Soran, then back up at Naniko. It was almost ironic that Salem would be the one with her today; he was practically a mirror image of Soran herself, with his dark fur and green eyes. Naniko's father Roman looked exactly the same, she couldn't be sure about whose side of the family he had inherited the looks from. The only difference between the adult and pup would be the small patch of white on Salem's back left foot, his lucky foot. "We goes to see?" The small boy asked.

This question seemed to break her out of her trance. She nodded to Salem, giving him a nudge of reassurance before making her way out of the brush. He followed quietly, still sticking right behind her, peering out at the stranger every few moments. When they got within speaking distance, Naniko cleared her throat. The last time, she had accepted Soran as a mother figure; she had even called her "Mother". But now Conri was gone...and everything was so upside down. She didn't know what would be appropriate."'s good to see you again"


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