Baby girl, I'm just a blur
-steals- >_>

This was one place that she knew she would be welcomed in no matter what, and Ember was taking advantage of that fact for a bit of fishing today. She had been up and around earlier in the day, but now she was satisfied to just sit back and relax with her rod and line. Fish was all that she could catch any more really, with her broken collarbone making her left arm useless. She had attempted to catch a rabbit a few days before without much luck.

Ember knew that there were pups running around these lands, her older adopted sibling Naniko's children, but she wasn't keeping an eye out for them or anything. If she ran into one she ran into one...but other than that she didn't know how interested she was in them. Ember had never been one for pups; she didn't have that maternal streak that most other females harboured. She found most of them annoying, if anything.

Emerald eyes narrowed when she spotted the pup a little ways away from her hole in the ice, and she let out a hiss. She couldn't shout, because she didn't want to scare the fish away even more, but at this level her voice would carry through the silence. "You're going to scare them away, kid. And I'm hungry. So get outta here!"


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