Baby girl, I'm just a blur

Ugh. She shouldn't have even spoken to it; maybe if she hadn't said anything it would have wandered off on its own. Ember frowned when she felt a little bit of tension on her rod, pulling up a little bit. Nothing. She had a bowl full of numb, un-moving worms sitting next to her, and she reeled in the line to put another one on the hook. The fish in this area were really smart....they kept grabbing her bait without getting the hook. She would have to make sure that the worm was on really securely before the next time she put it in.

She took one worm out of the bowl and put the rod between her knees to hold it steady. She forced the hook through the small creature over and over again, making sure that it was on there really well before she answered the pup. "Yeah? And what're you gonna do about it, Pipsqueak?"


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