Just Another Ordinary Day

Naniko's ribs were still healing, so she had remained in her optime form. She knew that shifting wasn't good for the bones, and she could do more in this form anyway. She wouldn't be much of a protector with this type of injury, as most defensive movements would probably jar it and cause her pain, but Haven was old enough now that if she told him to run he would (hopefully) follow what she said and high tail it out of there before he could be hurt.

She turned at the sound of his voice, changing her expression. "Oh my goodness! What are you doing all the way out here, Haven? I didn't see you there." She acted surprised, shocked, even. "You sure scared me." When she had been younger her parents had played these kinds of games with her, she could remember that much. Kaelyn and her had played hide-and-seek, too, more times than she could count. It had been so much fun. "I was going to go inside this big ol' castle...and see what there was to see. I heard there were ghosts in it."


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