your true strength sleeps behind your eyes
Iskata had been slowly moving across the lands to see just where the packs had settled and who had disappeared in the night. She'd come to one of the few places she'd rarely roamed, skirting the lands of Inferni as she stepped on silky silvery paws across the deserted sands. There was a harsh wind blowing across the bay as she could feel the freezing nip that was threatening to bring snow on the trail that howled. She flicked her ears back to keep the sands from finding their way along with the cold to the pink flesh within as she closed her eyes and waited for the winds to die off.

She sat down on the edge of a sanddune and watched the shore as the waters beat grey against the shore. The silvery woman hadn't seem the younger generation of her adopted family in a while, she actually hadn't seen quite a few of her family members in a bit and so, besides keeping tabs on the neighbors she'd decided to play seek and find with the Sadira clan.. before the long winter months came calling.

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